Friday, December 18, 2009

a lovely week so far..

YAAAAYYY!!! I got accepted into SIUE and cant wait to start.. Trust me, i hate school, but when Im not in school i HAte that more!! So i start in the summer time.. im ecstatic.. Moving on to be an English teacher.. That happened and then........
I wanted a laptop since i'll be attending a real University and I think I deserve my very own brand new first laptop at 21 years old.. So I discussed this with the fiance. He said okay.. At first i wanted a netbook but those things suck cuz you can only do so much.. So we head up to Best Buy.. Was looking at a specific laptop and bent down... The rack that holds things that points up just a little and it's metal, was right there.. I bent down and BAM!!! it rammed into my eye.. I thought my eye fell out bc my contact fell out also and im blind without them.. lol.. Filled out an incident report and went to the ER..
Dont worry.. No eye lacerations..
Just a laceration where my tear duct is and a bruise underneath my eye.. No contacts for a while until it heals.. That was tuesday.. still hurts.. So Wednesday we go up to best buy and manager lady called corporate and they were supposed to call me but havent yet.. so if they dont call by monday i'll be recalling them.. After all this I got my very own laptop.. Not from those greedy bastards we paid for it ourselves.. So now we're thinking of suing best buy.. Only because in the desktop computer section those racks were turned sideways so noone could hit them, but the laptop racks were protruding outwards.. Why or how I hit my eye? Who looks around for stuff that may or may not be a hazard to someone when you dont expect it to be there.. Not me, obviously.. Rediculous!!!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Why is it that when youre crabby as all get out, everyone and there mom wants to talk to you? are you fucking kidding me?! I'm fucking crabby, i dont want to deal with your bullshit.. I'm so sick of this fucking rain, and I think that may be the reason why Im crabby today..

oh and then people say "hey how are you" so you reply with, hey im fucking crabby.. Now if someone said that to me, i sure ass hell wouldn't say, why? whats wrong? did something happen? i would say peace out! so i got asked those questions.. so of course im crabby and i dont give a fuck if i hurt your feelings say "dude stop fucking asking me stupid fucking questions. im fucking crabby, there's no underlying issue just leave me the fuck alone"!! And then my time on facebook got ruined so i had to log off.. Thanks fuckface for ruining my facebook time! dammit!

HEy thanks for reading my bitchiness!! appreciate it!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life as we know it..!

I got my Association in Arts Diploma yesterday afternoon in the mail. Excited, I opened it up like there was no tomorrow. Read it, saw it, threw it across the room. Why, you ask? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because the people doing diplomas spelled my name wrong. I was mad! You would think that if you were going to take the time to do something, you would make sure everything was correct before sealing it up and setting it in the mail pile. Nope, not my school. Don't you worry, it was their fault. My name has the correct spelling in the computer system. So I grabbed my cell phone and called. "Hi, I need a new diploma, ya'll spelled my name wrong." Oh, how do you spell it? So I tell them. Oh, it's right in the system. "So when can I come pick it up?" So I mosied on up there about 3pm checked it out, and it was correct. Now was that so hard to do that in the first place? Didn't think so?! Oh, I even got a little book cover thing or whatever you call them, that holds your diploma! It's so pretty, when everything is right.

On another note. I haven't worked in the past 2 days bc I've been sick. Don't worry, it's not the flu. My mom had a sinus infection and the hubby has a viral infection of some kind. I just had cough and felt funny, like fainting. It was fun.. Not!! So I have to go back today, bc I am broke. But I feel fine now. YAy! So let's hope it stays that way.

And before that, me and the hubby went xmas shopping. I bought us new coats for winter.. My old coat I've had for 5 years. It's in tip top shape, but after 5 years? Come on, I think I deserve a new coat. And hubby? He didn't even have a coat. So we agreed on his. Very stylish! So whats next on our xmas list? Well we agreed we'll be splitting the cost of a new PS3 and some games. Needing some money first, so let's hope people will be nice to me and tip well. Many more xmas presents to be bought!

Thanks for reading..

Friday, October 16, 2009

Well Well Well..

So today, I decided to get my lazy ass out the door and do something about getting a move on into school.. So I went up to SWIC, which they have yet to send me my diploma for graduating, but theyre sending it today. And I've decided to change my major to English teacher.. So I go in, talk to the lady.. She pulled up my transcripts, says email these people along with your unofficial transcript.. So i did that, telling the email person that this is what I was told to do and theyd tell me what to do. So here I am waiting.. On an email for my future.. Worse comes to worse I'll go back to SWIC finish some classes so i wont have to take it at the university and then move on.. WOW schools a bitch to get your shit together.. Oh well guess ill be grateful to the fact that i can actually attend school..
thanks for reading!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Hello fellow followers,
Sorry I haven't written much lately.. Been hella busy! I am currently working 6 days a week now, and only off on Mondays. Used to be Mondays and Wednesdays! We'll see how long that lasts until I get burnt out. Six days a week= alright check money and okay tips.. Been getting better though.. Still not making what I should be, although it's a step up to go from 20 hours a week to 30 hours.. woohoo!!

Monday, me N the fiance went to Elephant rock park and Johnsons Shut-Ins. It was a good time. We just relaxed and walked around. It's about a 3 hour drive from my house. So it was a nice drive, also. It got me prepared and ready for tuesdays work day.. Which I had to be there at 2pm..

Tomorrow I work at 5, but at three it's the niece and nephews combined birthday.. woohoo.. too bad I only get to stay for like an hour.. Wtf?!

I realized I am officially addicted to FML. Haven't been there?! I suggest looking it up.. Some stories are hilarious, and some are just plain rude, of what people say to others!! But yes, I am addicted!

Well I think that's all for now.. *Hmm, I didn't bitch much.. Maybe there's something wrong with me now?* hahaha

Until next time!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Bad day+ some= Gooooood Sex!! Thats always something I love..

I wish I could go to school.. I was going to Psychology, but thanks to a past English teacher, I have realized that I would love to be an English teacher.. I love English and I love writing papers... So when we figure out where and when we're moving too, I can restart my schooling and take the classes I will need to become a teacher..

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Venting :)

Sorry fellow followers but I must vent or I'll stab someone.

Did you know that I'm a slavemaster slut with 50,000 STDs? No? I wasn't aware of that either. Apparently to Joe's brother I do. I'm sorry, but he doesn't know anything about me, nor does he want to know me anyway, since I'm a ho and all. Then his bro told Joe that he needs to get rid of his slut g/f (me) and start living his life the way it's supposed to be lived! Are you kidding me?! That motherfucker didn't like me from the first time we met. Then again, he didn't even know me, and still doesn't. It always amazes me how people hate you for no apparent reason. I've been nothing but nice to him. I'm a fair person, and I give everyone benefit of the doubt. You fuck me, we're done! I can be friends with anyone until they give me a reason. So at least, that's one less person I have to pay for at our wedding! Why would you even want to go to a sluts wedding for anyway? Therefore, he is Not invited!

Thanks for reading!